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Heart Dials and Gaps

If I have not love, I am nothing. How is the heat and hope of our love? Are we falling more in love or are we grower colder as time moves on? The great thing about God is His love is full, never ending, there is always more to gain, always more to grow in and be undone by. I have been encouraged and provoked recently by a pain in my heart to go to the gap and come out clean with more of Him. The gap is the space between what we know is truth and what we experience. God is so good. The perfect creator of space in my heart. He enlarges my heart to love beyond what I can imagine. He gives and takes away, empties and fills up. He is making room for something better, again. I trust Him fully in the gap. However, there is a real wrestle and seeking of truth in the moment to stay connected to Him. Where there is a pain, there is a tenderness before God but also a vulnerability to lies of the enemy. The gap, which feels like this empty space (uncomfortable, barrenness), suddenly is tempted to be filled with accusations, false comforts and sensitivity to more hurt instead of the goodness of God. The goodness of God is what I need so I start singing the truth over my circumstances. This is where I bring my barrenness before God’s all consuming love and believe for a supernatural infilling, a miracle. He allows barrenness, desires and longings to draw us to Himself. He likes us to seek and find Him there in the ache. He is always my help in time of need.

Hope for the New Thing

I have also discovered in this gap that sometimes I need a new song, deeper truth and a right heart for the present moment. When the gap is a familiar road, it is easy to dig up a past truth where we gained freedom last time and think we know what God is doing “again”. It might look and feel the same on some level but it is new, deeper and greater. We are gaining freedom every step of the way. God is doing a new thing in this hour, I do believe. He is desiring us to believe for the big, the new and to confront the contradictions of our heart or gaps in our life. To contend for His fullness of what we know is truth, while resting in His leadership over the present moment. Major breakthroughs are significant but so are the daily details of gaining authority by walking connected to Him with a fervent and pure heart. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God

Heart Dial is ON

Many times freedom to hear the truth is found with a simple heart dial change to the left, right or to the “on” button. It is easier to see in my kids but it is the same thing I go through in the gap. When love lived out starts to produce hopelessness, despair or withdraw, there is a heart dial off or a deeper truth to be found. God has placed eternity in the human heart. Even as children, I believe we know when our heart dial is tuned to something other than love, even when we have been hurt. God is so good. He is our forever friend and coach “do not give up, keep connecting with me, I will give you rest, I will give you grace to love me more”. Without His grace, we cannot love. Without love, we have nothing. I do not want to live like I am alive yet dead on the inside. I want His love to have all of me. I want to give it all, that I may walk in the fullness of His grace and glory. Let us walk in love and teach our children the same, not because it is a duty yet that it is the most rewarding thing we can do, aligned with the Eternal One, connected and full.

He has prevailed

So when my child says a nice truth yet her face tells me something different, I ask her to turn her heart dial, one notch. She gets it! I get it! It is the language of the heart. When I hear God’s words and my heart dial is off, I do not receive His truth, at times I receive false truth which is really a lie. Jesus was tempted in the wilderness by scripture applied incorrectly, lacking love (with pride, a short-cut mentality, disconnected from the Father to build a kingdom of his own). Jesus overcame and has prevailed over lies of the enemy. I believe in the goodness of God to help tune my heart into Him that I may hear truth and overcome lies of the accuser. He heals my heart, that I may fully walk in love and hear His words of life over death. He has prevailed, I can live fully abandoned, withholding nothing.

Encouragement and prayer

God has made me (and you) so bold and brave. We can use this boldness to go to hard places with Him. To confront contradictions, gaps, questions and to come out clean and leaning upon Him. Every circumstance has been orchestrated by Him, He already knows and sees. This is the place where miracles happen. If you need help tuning your heart to Him, I pray for courage, strength and wisdom to rise up and also ask for help. God and His beloved ones want to pray with you and help be a light to your path. You can do it, beloved. Regardless of how long it takes or how many similar gaps you need to experience. It is His destiny for you to find freedom and find His tender, kind, caring, love. He will not give up on you and neither will I. Behold, the lamb of God, who has taken away our sins and sets us free. He has prevailed and has been found worthy, so worthy of it all.

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